10 Health Benefits of Houseplants

health benefits of houseplants

Photo by Elle Hughes


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1. Indoor plants purify the air

In 1989, NASA was on a mission to create cleaner, higher-quality air circulation in their spacecraft. What did their studies present? The number and type of indoor plants purified the air in a small space by removing organic chemicals from the air. Neat, right?! Clean air is an enormous health benefit of houseplants.

The top plants that purify the air are:


-Chinese evergreens

-Snake plants

-Peace lilies

-Spider plants


2. How do plants boost productivity?

Interesting fact: plants help heighten our senses. Having a plant or two by your workspace, primarily if you work remotely, helps augment creativity. Have you ever nature-bathed or gone for a mindful walk? Simply put, we are inspired by nature with its wildness, life cycles, and resilience. So, set some plants next to you while you work and you’ll feel more energized! If you aren’t ready for high-maintenance plants (book a consultation and we’ll take care of them for you ;)), you can start with a succulent by the window.

3. Plants reduce stress

There have been many studies about plants…and thank goodness, because we have learned so much from them. One particular study is from the Journal of Psychology Anthropology, where a group of participants had to repot a plant and complete a computer program. The researchers measured the participant's blood pressure during both exercises and can you guess what they found? There was a decrease during the plant repot and a significant increase during the computer program task. I think you can conclude that mindfully working with soil from the earth is a major health benefit of houseplants.

4. Houseplants help heal trauma

Ever had emotional trauma? Same. And it’s difficult to find ways to calm the thoughts that race in your head like a child at a candy store, grabbing one thing and then running away to the next shiny piece. Meditation is one of the best practices for calming the mind, in addition to houseplants. I go for a walk every day in nature, and I feel my body relax as my mind focuses on the positive distractions around me, like the birds in their choir and the rush of the nearby river. Nature is always there for us, so bringing plants inside is one way to heal.

5. Plants can combat depression

Depression is dull. I imagine a desert drained from its water source which repels life forms. A dreary image, but now imagine a lush jungle, bursting with life and streams of water; there are colors of exotic birds and plants everywhere you look. Color can spark a sense of interest and purity. Try a jungle velvet plant or Chrysanthemum.

6. Indoor plants help reduce headaches

And migraines. One enormous health benefit of houseplants stems from another study. Similar to the NASA study, researchers found that plants can remove three main toxins in the air that produce headaches: Trichloroethylene, Benzene, and Formaldehyde. The more plants you have grouped together, the cleaner the air. Try a bamboo plant stand to offset height levels when grouping them together.

Have too many plants to care for on your own? Look at our calendar for a helping hand and to rid of those headaches!

7. Nature reduces noise pollution

It’s called sound attenuation. Sections of trees and plants absorb and deflect sound energy and reduce the intensity of noise around them. There’s also the ruffling of the leaves, birds chirping in the trees, and insects buzzing around the outdoor plants. Together, they make a cloud of reduced outer noise.

I think of going to the Rainforest Cafe, of all places, because I remember the sounds of animals and waterfalls coming out of the walls in addition to the jungle aesthetic. It was an incredible experience! So in a real scenario, you can place your houseplants together and open the window to hear the birds or have a noise-reducing device with nature sounds.

8. Houseplants alleviate allergies

Plants will trap allergens in their leaves! If you have kids with allergies or guests who are allergic to dust, houseplants are here to help. This information was founded through the NASA Clean Air Study. There are so many health benefits to houseplants, and this is no small factor because you need a healthy environment to thrive, and so do your guests. You can also use a humidifier to help the air quality (and your plants will love it too!).

9. Plants teach us to be mindful

Mindfulness is the easiest to master in the midst of nature: its awareness of the present. A greener environment helps increase focus, and practicing mindfulness requires you to zone in on the details. Try examining all parts of your plant: the veins under the leaves, the strength of the stem, and the roots popping out of the soil. 5 minutes of mindfulness makes an impact on your mental health.

Want to be more present in your daily life? Get Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty. Transformative nonfiction by a previous monk, this book has helped shape my mindset into being more present and positive!

10. Plants encourage self care

When you care for something, such as indoor plants, you begin to notice how they change with your mood. Say you’re having a bad day - you’ll start to realize your peace lily is drooping and your aglaonema is turning a little brown. Plants are adaptive to their environment and feel the vibe of the room; there’s a reason why plant parents talk to their plants. Make this encouragement to take care of yourself first so your atmosphere is just as healthy.

Thanks for reading!


How Often to Water Peace Lily Plants